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Boston reliever Kenley Jansen says slick baseballs hard to control

来源:Culture Clutch news portal编辑:travel时间:2024-06-03 16:58:08

BOSTON (AP) — Kenley Jansen is upset with the quality of baseballs.

“I got to get better, but also if you’re playing in the cold weather, windy, and you get pearls balls out there that’s not rubbed well, I don’t know where the ball’s going,” the Boston reliever said after Sunday’s 5-4 win over the Los Angeles Angels.

The 36-year-old right-hander entered with a two-run lead, hit Logan O’Hoppe leading off, then gave up a single, walk and Anthony Rendon’s sacrifice fly before striking out Luis Rengifo and Mike Trout for his fourth save in four chances.

Jansen tied John Franco for fifth place with his 424th save.

“I don’t hit guys, I don’t walk people this much. And I start to get frustrated.” Jansen said. “Any balls that came, I just throw it back ‘til when I find a good ball. And it’s just brutal.”

Jansen said bullpen balls were better rubbed than game balls.

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