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New York Rangers captain Jacob Trouba may be the most interesting man in hockey, on and off the ice

来源:Culture Clutch news portal编辑:travel时间:2024-06-03 16:43:49

Jacob Trouba is captain of the best team in the NHL this season, the New York Rangers, one of the oldest franchises in hockey in one of the world’s greatest sports towns.

The big-hitting American defenseman is also an artist, philanthropist, advocate and, most recently, an actor in a commercial urging early cancer detection. He might be the most interesting man in hockey.

Trouba asked for a trade from Winnipeg to a team in the U.S. so his then-fiancée could pursue her medical career. He was the only player to agree to have his photo taken getting the COVID-19 vaccine, speaks to Fortune 500 CEOs to get advice about leadership, paints on the side, helps run an epilepsy art program and is the face of a new Hockey Fights Cancer campaign launching just in time for the playoffs.

He is, of course, highly focused on helping the Rangers hoist the Stanley Cup for the first time since 1994, the year he was born. He just has other things going on. A lot of them.

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