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Ukraine says to agree on military aid from US as loan

来源:Culture Clutch news portal编辑:opinions时间:2024-06-03 22:05:16

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said his country would agree to receive a new military aid loan package from the United States, the Ukrayinska Pravda media outlet reported Saturday.

"We will agree to any option. If Ukraine was offered a loan today or everything for free in a year, we would say: 'Only today,'" Zelensky was cited as saying.

Zelensky voiced his belief that Ukraine will get a favorable decision from the U.S. Congress on the new assistance.

On Friday, Zelensky reportedly met with a bipartisan and bicameral delegation from the U.S. Congress to discuss the form of the new assistance.

According to media reports, the U.S. Congress may discuss new conditions for a multibillion-dollar Ukraine aid bill next week, which has been stalled since the autumn of 2023.

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